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VESC EXPRESS Bluetooth module

VESC EXPRESS Bluetooth module

Regular price $15.00 USD
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VESC Express CAN bus BLuetooth module,
Runs standard vesc express software (programmable in vesc tool)

Big benefit of VESC express (software) that it can do multiple things
-pubmote receiver
-wifi TPC connection (more reliable for vesc tool than bluetooth for windows/mac)

Is used for a reliable Bluetooth connection, that works on well on iphone and android.
This module is made to be used as a standalone Canbus bluetooth module.

You can use it connected to CAN bus in parallel with an Ennoid BMS or anything else that is connected to the CAN bus.

To connect in VESC tool, scan for bluetooth > connect to VESC express, then scan CAN bus and connect to your VESC controller via CAN bus.

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